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Ruxin Popup Maker


Lifetime access | Unlimited use on own & client sites
Downloads: 1953 times
Ruxin Popup Maker is a joomla module that lets you easily create elegant popups
Ruxin Popup Maker is a joomla module that lets you easily create elegant popups

* The minimum required version of Joomla is 3.9.0

Documentation Link

Ability to display module, html code and input from the editor

Ability to choose color and image for the background
Ability to display popup in three modes:
Time based, Click on element, Distance to bottom of page
Ability to display popup in 9 different places:
Top Left | Top Center | Top Right | Center Left | Center | Center Right | Bottom Left | Bottom Center | Bottom Right
More than 90 different effects to open and close popups
Completely responsive
Active or inactive popup on mobile
Number of views for each user using cookies
Ability to automatically close the popup based on time
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1 Reviews for Ruxin Popup Maker
Advanced features and settings with various effects

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